The study of astrology has given us a fascinating insight into the 12 signs of the zodiac. Each of these zodiac signs, or “star signs”, is an individual approach to life with commonly associated personality traits–with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. And though you might have once only paid attention to your zodiac sign for two mins when you got to the horoscopes about your love life at the end of a magazine, they’re not up front and centre (and totally accepted!) in so much of how we live our lives.
Whether you rely on your star sign to guide you toward love (including not-so-subtly dropping it the conversation on first dates, or using it to filter your matches on apps like Bumble), use it to help you figure out problems or understand yourself and your friends more fully, or just find in interesting to compare yourself against other people with your star sign, they’re a pretty useful tool in helping us make the most of ourselves, and, crucially, accept those parts of ourselves that we’ve perhaps wrestled with for far too long.
So, ever wondered what your zodiac sign says about you? We’ve got everything you need to know, from the precise star sign dates to find out yours to the essential personality characteristics that correlate with each one. Discovering your star sign’s best traits can illuminate the strengths worth leaning into (for instance, Leo’s might embrace their natural self-confidence, inspiring other less confident signs as a result, while stable Taurus’ might accept their natural state of stability, which comes with reliability that their loved ones are grateful for).
It can also help you stay aware of the less positive traits inherent in your zodiac personality, for instance a Scorpio’s secretive nature and tendency towards stubbornness–which may require bending once in a while, for instance in the first years of a relationship or in a close friendship, or a Cancer’s occasional bending towards emotional manipulation in order to win the care and attention they seek as a loyal, understanding friend.
As Hillary Coke, a Western Astrologer and Tarot expert at Nebula: Horoscope and Astrology Platform told GLAMOUR in an interview, tapping into one’s unique zodiac personality traits can reap dividends in almost every area of your life: “Exploring these strengths… could help to learn how to use these powers to succeed in personal relationships, career, and love life. All the signs have unique parts to their personalities that make us special. It is important to feel empowered as we embrace our energy and take on new and exciting adventures in love and life.”
Although, it is worth noting before we begin, that every star sign is a powerful, vital piece in the puzzle that is the zodiac. The four elements—air signs, fire signs, water signs, earth signs—all work together to create a comprehensive whole, which shows up in your life as your unique personality traits. Every sign is illuminated by its own point of view, complete with powerful strengths and exhausting weaknesses, and we need every single one of them (and us) to keep life fruitful and interesting.
Before we break down the characteristics of each star sign, there are a couple more things to mention. Firstly, each star sign falls into one of four triplicities. Triplicities are also known as zodiac sign elements: these are Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), Fire Signs (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries), Earth Signs (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo), and Water Signs (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer).
Each of the triplicities has its own set of traits. Air signs are analytical thinkers and strong communicators. Fire signs are associated with passion, creativity and playfulness. Water signs are known for their emotional sensitivity and intuitiveness. Earth signs are practical, reliable and honest.
Here’s where it gets a little trickier: quadruplicities. Also known as modalities, quadruplicities refer to where each zodiac sign occurs with a season (i.e. autumn, winter…). The signs that fall at the beginning of a season (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) are what’s known as Cardinal signs. This means these signs are characterised by their proactivity and ‘get up and go’ initiative. Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) are those that occur in the middle of a season, and are notable for the characteristics of consistency and reliability. Finally, signs falling at the end of a season (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces) are Mutable: meaning they’re flexible and adaptable.
Now, that’s enough from us, we’ll let you get down to the juicy bits about your own sign’s characteristics. Get ready to deep dive into some seriously relatable truths about yourself.
First things first, these are the star sign dates
- Aries ♈️: (March 21 – April 19)
- Taurus ♉️: (April 20 – May 20)
- Gemini ♊️: (May 21 – June 20)
- Cancer ♋️: (June 21 – July 22)
- Leo ♌️: (July 23 – August 22)
- Virgo ♍️: (August 23 – September 22)
- Libra ♎️: (September 23 – October 22)
- Scorpio ♏️: (October 23 – November 21)
- Sagittarius ♐️: (November 22 – December 21)
- Capricorn ♑️: (December 22 – January 19)
- Aquarius ♒️: (January 20 – February 18)
- Pisces ♓️: (February 19 – March 20)
Aries ♈️
- Symbol: The Ram
- Ruling planet: Mars
- Ruling house: First House of Self
- Key traits: Fiery, passionate, determined, courageous
You are a natural-born leader. Ruled by Mars (the god of War), it’s probably no surprise that you’re known for being ballsy and pioneering.
You’re tenacious and don’t get scared. You like to take risks, try new experiences and get an adrenaline rush. Sure, it might mean that things don’t always go your way, but it also makes you passionate and full of fire. If there’s one thing you’re not, Aries, it’s boring.
Your fire element is what makes you so energetic and creative, and thanks to being first in the zodiac, you don’t fixate on the past. No regrets. Your optimism and hope makes you caring and generous. You’re a good pal, Aries.
Taurus ♉️
- Symbol: The Bull
- Ruling planet: Venus
- Ruling house: Second House of Income
- Key traits: Kind, generous, loyal, patient
This is one of the most reliables signs, known for being stable, reliable and devoted. Your friends are important to you and, once you get close with someone, you are fiercely loyal.
This commitment is also reflected in your work, although can also be interpreted as stubbornness. Yes, you are typically stubborn, but it probably stems from the fact you can’t stand change. You just know what you want and how things should be, and you like to keep it that way.
Taurus is an Earth sign (like Virgo and Capricorn) making you practical, stoic and grounded. You also value the physical in all aspects of your life–touch, sex, shopping, clothes, pretty things. Does it make you materialistic? Maybe. Or maybe you just have good taste.
Gemini ♊️
Symbol: The Twins
Ruling planet: Mercury
Ruling house: Third House of Communication
Key traits: Independent, curious, charming, gentle
Gentle Gemini. You are affectionate and curious and, as you’re an Air sign (like Libra and Aquarius), you are smart, sharp, quick-learning and adaptable. You’re all about the mind–you are analytical but you can still be impulsive and erratic.
You’re ruled by Mercury, the planet that represents communication and writing. You probably like reading and talking, but that doesn’t make you sentimental. In fact, if any of the signs are likely to get ‘the ick’, it’s you. Emotions = no thanks.
You’ll probably be found at the party mixing your drinks and chatting BS. And why the hell not? You’re a fun time gal. People like to have you around. You’re funny and make people laugh, though your jokes can sometimes be a little on the nose. Who cares though? It’s not your fault if they get offended.
Cancer ♋️
Symbol: The Crab
Ruling planet: Moon
Ruling house: Fourth House of Home Life
Key traits: Compassionate, sentimental, protective, emotional
You don’t get much more loyal than you, Cancer. Your level of emotional depth, understanding and compassion is unrivalled. You put yourself in other people’s shoes. You listen—like, properly listen—and you keep their secrets.
It’s because you belong to the Water element (along with Pisces and Scorpio). Water signs of the zodiac are intuitive, empathetic and emotional. Don’t get on the wrong side of them though, because if anyone holds a grudge, it’s you.
You do tend to be a bit clingy though and despite your incredible empathy, you can’t always tell when someone needs their space. This won’t help your mood, which tbh can be a bit all over the place. Because deep down, you’re quite fragile. But really, who isn’t? And if it makes you that caring and kind, then it’s no bad thing.
Leo ♌️
Symbol: The Lion
Ruling planet: Sun
Ruling house: Fifth House of Romance and Self-Expression
Key traits: Charismatic, dramatic, confident, fun.
Leo is ruled by the sun, making you reliable, stable, vivacious and full of life. You are self-confident and entertaining. Being centre stage doesn’t often bother you, whether that’s with mates at a party or with colleagues at work. You like to take command. You’re courageous.
Sometimes, this dominance and confidence can come across as arrogance. You’re probably not everyone’s cup of tea, and some may find you overbearing. For the most part though, you bring fun and vibrance to people’s lives. You’re unforgettable, Leo.
Virgo ♍️
Symbol: The Virgin or Maiden
Ruling planet: Mercury
Ruling house: Sixth House of Wellness and Daily Routine
Key traits: Humble, practical, organised, patient
You’re an Earth sign along with Taurus and Capricorn, making you practical and reliable, and because you’re ruled by Mercury, you are speedy, organised and fiercely clever.
You have high standards and you know how things should be done. So yes, you’re a bit of a control freak. It’s your way or the highway. This can make your inner critic quite savage though, and there’s no one harder on you than yourself. You work damn hard though, and there’s no task too big or hard, whether it’s for you or other people. You’re helpful like that, Virgo.
Libra ♎️
Symbol: The Scales
Ruling planet: Venus
Ruling house: Seventh House of Partnership
Key traits: Romantic, artistic, friendly, persuasive
Along with Gemini and Aquarius, you’re an Air element, making you charming and cool. You probably have no difficulty making friends; people are drawn to you.
You’re an over-thinker which makes you indecisive. You’ve probably had an exasperated, ‘Will you just pick one already?!’ aimed your way. You’re a nightmare to order Deliveroo with.
Your love of balance means you can’t stand mess, and being ruled by Venus, you’re into beautiful things. You want everything to look nice. If you mess up your winged eyeliner even slightly, you’re taking it all off and starting again.
If there’s one thing you can’t stand, it’s being alone. Loneliness can creep up on you and hit you like a ton of bricks. You’re probably a relationship person because, whether you like to admit it or not, you love love.
Scorpio ♏️
Symbol: The Scorpion
Ruling planets: Pluto and Mars
Ruling house: Eighth House of Emotional Bonds and Sexual Intimacy
Key traits: Mysterious, powerful, brave, resourceful
There are MANY different sides to you, Scorpio. On the surface, you’re a ball-buster; confident and set in your ways. But underneath it all, you’re incredibly emotional (not that you’ll ever admit it) and you have a deep desire for connection (that’s the Water element talking). You’re the one who will get ghosted and act like you just DGAF, but really, you’re crying on the inside.
But anyone who wrongs you better watch out. You are not one for forgiveness. You’re ruled by both Pluto (god of the Underworld) and Mars (god of War), so it’s no surprise that you can kick off when betrayed. No one messes with Scorpio.
You’ll fight tooth and nail for the people you love though; you’re fiercely protective. There’s no one better to have fighting your corner than you, Scorpio.
Sagittarius ♐️
Symbol: The Archer
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Ruling House: Ninth House of Adventure and Higher Learning
Key Traits: Philosophical, optimistic, adventurous, free-spirited
With Leo and Aries, you belong to the Fire element of the zodiac meaning you’re adventurous, bold and all about living each day as if it’s your last.
You hate being contained or told what to do; routine is your enemy. You’re restless and love going to new places, though this can make you reckless. You’ve made some bad decisions in your time.
You’re honest (sometimes painfully so), but people always know where they stand with you. You’re never two-faced. You have a bad bitch sense of humour and your friends probs think you’re hilarious. You’re the queen of the clapbacks.
Capricorn ♑️
Symbol: The Goat
Ruling planet: Saturn
Ruling house: Tenth House of Career and Public Image
Key traits: Traditional, disciplined, ambitious, independent
Belonging to the Earth element of the zodiac (like with Taurus and Virgo), you’re practical, realistic and independent.
Capricorns are ruled by the planet Saturn AKA the ‘task master’, making you furiously ambitious. You’re a workaholic. You’ve probably never had a sick day in your life. You’re driven by success and power which can be both a good and a bad thing.
You’re smart, intuitive and disciplined, with an impressive strength of character.
Aquarius ♒️
Symbol: The Water Bearer
Ruling planet: Uranus
Ruling house: Eleventh House of Networking
Key traits: Humanitarian, eccentric, individualistic, cool
An Air element along with Gemini and Libra ruled by the planet Uranus, Aquarius are smart, analytical and original. You are hugely creative and unique. Your unconventional and eccentric ways can make you a little unpredictable. People probs think you’re a bit weird, but if they’re the type of people you want in your life, they also think your weirdness is what makes you so wonderful.
Your analytical nature can make you a bit detached. If anyone’s got serious bottled up emotion, it’s you. You’re strong though and very independent. It just takes a lot for you to let someone in.
Pisces ♓️
Symbol: The Fish
Ruling planets: Neptune
Ruling house: Twelfth House of Spirituality
Key traits: Creative, easy-going, faithful, sensitive.
Along with Cancer and Scorpio, you belong to the Water element of the zodiac making you deeply emotional and compassionate. This is backed up by your planetary ruling of Neptune, making you super intuitive, faithful and caring.
This can give you a tendency to overthink which can make you anxious. Plus, because you’re so empathetic and understanding, you expect that of others too, and are often disappointed. Words definitely can hurt you and it probably won’t surprise you to learn that you can be a little over-sensitive. Kindness is not weakness though, it’s your strength.
You likely have an artistic side and don’t mind being on your own listening to music or doing something arty.
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